The Senate Health, Human Services & Senior Citizens Committee met Monday and took the following action:
- S135 (Bucco) Individual's status as minor shall not disqualify him from bone marrow donation. AMENDED & ADVANCED.
- S1936 (Madden) Permits licensed facilities currently providing inpatient psychiatric services to add inpatient psychiatric beds without obtaining certificate of need. HELD.
- S1982 (Sweeney/Vitale) Changes references of "mental retardation" to "intellectual disability" or "developmental disability" and uses person-first language for persons with disabilities. AMENDED & ADVANCED.
- S2028 (Gordon) Requires DHS to collect and disseminate data about persons with developmental disabilities. ADVANCED.
- S2038/A2168 (Weinberg/Ruiz) Jaden's Law; requires DHSS to prepare online brochure about the option to donate bone marrow. ADVANCED.